"Always Folk" is a traditional Chinese ensemble founded in 2008 by a group of gifted young artists. All band members graduated from the prestigious music programs of the China Conservatory of Music and the Central Conservatory of Music. The ensemble shares a new vision of traditional Chinese music with the audience, and they devote themselves to researching and promoting traditional Chinese music in a creative way.
In 2008, Always Folk was awarded the "Gold Award" by the Ministry of Culture of China in the "Wenhua Award" National Instrumental Competition, and the "Gold Award" in the 2011 "Spring of Shanghai" International Festival Invitational Contest of Jiang Nan Si Zhu. Since 2011, the band has performed over 60 concerts in Beijing Concert Hall, the Forbidden City Concert Hall, Peking University Centennial Hall, and many other famous venues in China. The band has also organized numerous lectures in Beijing’s universities, which were greatly received. In 2014, they organized a successful concert at the China Conservatory of Music to commemorate the school's 50th anniversary; in 2015, the band performed in one of Beijing's historical theaters, to which both domestic and foreign audiences responded enthusiastically, and the media referred to them as "New Hope, the youth advocates of Chinese traditional music."In 2018, the band was invited to perform in Salzburg and Vienna at the Austrian-Chinese Profound Arts Festival. Always Folk Music Studio collaborates with BLCU Arts College as well as the Chinese Musician Society of Greater Washington (CMSGW).